Sunday, November 4, 2012

Orphan Sunday Discussion Guide

This Guide is Available as a .pdf for download here.

While none of our Groups are scheduled to meet this week, the discussion surrounding the morning message and Orphan Sunday is too significant to not discuss with your Life Groups.

That being said, probably the most important question from the Guide below is this one:

This was Global Orphan Sunday and we highlighted the call to practice ‘true religion’ by caring for the widow and the orphan. The overarching challenge was to “do for one what we wish we could do for all” and to “identify the one.” Who is ‘the one you can start with (right in front of you)’ for you as individuals? What are ways that your Group can champion, be involved with, and help resource orphan care? Who is ‘the one’ for your Group?
In the weeks ahead, please use whatever aspects of this Discussion Guide that you feel will be most helpful to your Group as we continue to seek the God of Justice in this region and our world.
Here's the rest of the Guide:
Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, November 4, 2012 (JXG) 
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Beth
Build it! | Justice (week 3): GLOBAL ORPHAN SUNDAY

Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.
 Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, and share the victories God is giving your Group.


:: There are an estimated 153,000,000 orphans worldwide (approx. half the US population statistically)
:: 5,700 children worldwide become orphans every day
:: 1,200,000 children are trafficked every year
:: 424,000 children are in foster care in the US
:: 29,000+ children “age out” of foster care every year
:: Orphans are most at risk to be sold into slavery and die before the age of 5

“It was never God’s intent that there would be that many orphans and the Church would be silent.”
What is your reaction to this statement?
How can we step more into the call of God and his heart for us to “Do good. Seek justice. Encourage the oppressed.”?
How do we move in response that is less oriented on us and more on loving God?

Read James 1:27
What does the Scripture say are the two things that make ‘genuine religion’ in the sight of God?
How are orphan/widow care and righteous living connected?

Read Isaiah 58:6-12
What are the conditions God sets out for knowing his righteousness, healing, and leadership; for rebuilding, and experiencing all of the newness of life he has for us?
What are things in your life, community, Group in need of restoration? 
How has God positioned you/your Group to see that restoration come?

We can get very caught up in discerning the will of God--but if we’re not engaging in the clear calls he sends to us from Scripture, we won’t hear him in the smaller things.
Why do you think this is?
How do we often turn ‘discerning God’s will’ into something more about us than God?
That God is so clear in this means it must be priority for us; why do you think it can be so hard to make our priorities line up with what are obviously God’s priorities?

Read 1 Corinthians 4:20
In what ways can we be guilty of talk without action?
What is “God’s power” we read about here?
How can we make ourselves more open to the power, leadership, and counsel of the Holy Spirit in our lives?

Pastor Beth shared about SLW’s JUST 1:17 initiative, because we believe the issues of justice and orphan care are the things God is calling us to. We shared about FREE 1 to address the crisis of 30,000,000 people caught in human trafficking and the issue of slavery is something happening ‘in our back yard.” Please pray for the opportunities we have been given. What does it look like us for again to be a place of ‘New Liberty’ and Freedom? What can your role be as an individual and as a Group to FREE 1?

LOVE 1 is our orphan and foster care focus. Through championing and resourcing adoption, foster parents, and respite care as well as groups of support for foster/adoptive parents, we will empower more to LOVE 1. 

Please pray for this initiative. The enemy would seek to derail this because it is so close to the heart of God. Pray for God to raise up people who will engage fully, for foster and adoptive parents to be raised up, for passionate advocates for freedom to be engaged. Ask for God to give us eyes to see and anointing in this area. Pray for us to be found faithful.

This was Global Orphan Sunday and we highlighted the call to practice ‘true religion’ by caring for the widow and the orphan. The overarching challenge was to “do for one what we wish we could do for all” and to “identify the one.” Who is ‘the one you can start with (right in front of you)’ for you as individuals? What are ways that your Group can champion, be involved with, and help resource orphan care? Who is ‘the one’ for your Group?

Ongoing discussion: What are the opportunities for your Group to connect with people who may be far from God? What are the ways your Group can live as ‘Jesus with skin on’ in practical ways in our region to see the advancement of His Kingdom? We’re challenging every Life Group to again engage in at least one missional expression--please connect with Pastor Jeremiah if you need help finding opportunities.

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