Thursday, October 31, 2013

Seek. Love. Walk. (Discussion Guide)

This Guide is also available as a .pdf here.

Seek. Love. Walk.
Life Group Discussion Guide
November 2013

Here’s the series description to help you frame conversation:

Seek. Love. Walk.

Imagine for a moment that you’ve been invited to take part in a great adventure—one that will require strength and courage, agility and determination—and that you’ve been given every resource you could possibly need to fully participate. Though the journey and outcome may not be clear at the outset, most of us would jump into the opportunity to know what it is to be fully alive as we take those steps of adventure.

When we respond to the invitation to follow Jesus, we say ‘yes’ to a life of this kind of epic experience…but it’s an adventure we can’t (and wouldn’t really want to) take alone: we need each other. We know that God has prepared Sandy Lake Wesleyan as a body to be a force of love, hope, and power in our region; and we’re convinced that a great adventure like no other awaits each of us as we lean into what it means to seek, love, and walk together.

Join with us as we discover more of what it looks like to live the life of purpose and adventure we can only find in Jesus…and how to live that purpose and adventure on a grand scale by intentionally living as an “SLW church.” 

What Scripture has God been pulling to the forefront of your mind from this series? 
What do you think He’s calling you to be or do through that Scripture?
How can your Life Group members help you lean into that? 

What part of following Jesus has seemed adventurous for you this week? 
What can you do to be positioned to experience more of this adventure?
If answering this question is a challenge for you, how can you be more sensitive to
opportunities for adventure in Jesus?

You’ve been hearing about some of what it seems God has for SLW in our next season—what roles do you think you, your family, your Life Group can have in some of the next-step opportunities?

What are specific ways you can Seek-Love-Walk at home/school/work tomorrow?
This week? 
Share with your Group and followup throughout the series—share stories of the
crazy-cool things God does as you take these steps.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Renovate! Discussion Guide

Life Group Discussion Guide
October 2013

Here’s the description of this month’s message series:
Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.  ~ Colossians 3:10, NLT

Anyone who's ever been through a renovation knows the process can be messy, dusty, and a little frustrating…but on the other side of all that activity it seems everything changes. Rooms, levels, even whole buildings can find new life and purpose, making the journey of renewal more than worth the wait and pain of remodeling.

One of the incredible things about God's great love for us is that when we encounter Him, He begins to renovate our lives. Things can get messy and a little challenging, but we find ourselves being made into what he designed us for all along.

Join us throughout the RENOVATE series where we'll examine what it looks like to ask God to look into each room of our lives as the master architect that He is, expecting Him to make us new from the inside out. Along the we way, we'll experience the incredible adventure of being re-formed by the Holy Spirit, released into new life and purpose we may never have known existed.

  • What Scripture from the series’s messages has God been brining to mind? How has this been encouraging? Convicting? Perspective-changing?
  • What specific aspect of ‘renovation’ was discussed this week? How did this resonate with you? What about this discussion was especially challenging or uncomfortable?
  • What thoughts or ideas from the messages have stuck out to you the most?
  • Have you ever experienced him renovating aspects of your life? How would you explain that process to others? What are the best parts of this renovation? The hardest?
  • How is God revealing Himself as the architect of your life in this season?  Has he identified areas he would like to renovate right now? How can your Group members be praying for you in this?
  • Based on what you’ve heard and discussed, what do you think God is calling you to do or become...
    • an individual?
    • part of community (family, workplace, neighborhood, etc.)?
    • a local church?

      What does it look like to start taking action on these things?