Sunday, February 24, 2013

This Week's Discussion Guide

This Guide is available for download as a .pdf here.

Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, February 17, 2013 (JXG) 
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Nate
Truth & Dare | Unity (Week 4)

Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and 
prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.


 Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, 
and share the victories God is giving your Group.

From Last Week (Truth & Dare, week 3 | Conflict):
Read Matthew 18:15-20
:: How can we tell this passage is more about bringing people back into right relationship with God than ‘clearing the air’?
:: Why do you think Jesus gives us the progression of ‘one-on-one’ to ‘two or three’ to ‘assembly’? How does the desire for relationship with God change the tone of how we interact with this?
:: Why is the promise of Jesus’ presence significant here?
:: What is significant about the promise of heaven’s authority in these matters (binding/loosing)?

Read Proverbs 6:16-20
:: How does this shows us the significance God places on unity?
:: Why is it significant that God hates these actions, not the people doing them?
:: Why are we tempted to minimize some of the things in this list? Why do you think we’re so comfortable with other things being listed here?

“How we handle conflict & our human relationships is more about relationship with God than with each other.”
:: What Scriptural truths can you think of which help illustrate this?
:: How have you seen this reality in your own life?
:: Have you ever tried to ‘fix’ a human relationship without first making sure your relationship with God was right? What was the result? 
:: How does misunderstanding this result in setting the wrong relational goals?

We were challenged to ask the question: 
What relationship in my life is in need of restoration?
Pray with your Group that the Holy Spirit would reveal to them what these relationships are and give courage to take next steps.

We were challenged with this dare:
:: Pray for the authority & presence of Jesus
How does this change our perspective and interaction with others?
:: Start a dialogue with the other person
Pray for each other for wisdom and courage to do this.
:: Refuse to stir up conflict
How can you lovingly encourage others to go to the other person rather than speaking about them?
This Week:
Pastor Nate asked, what are some things a person could do to cause division in a church? 
:: What were some things the people in your Group came up with?
:: Do you think it was helpful to identify some of these things? Why or why not?

Read John 17:20-23
:: Why is it significant that Jesus prayed all of his later followers would be ‘one?’
:: What is ‘complete unity?’
:: What do you think this looks like in how we live and interact today?
:: This is part of Jesus’ prayer immediately before his arrest and eventual crucifixion--how does this lend a sense of urgency and purpose to Jesus’ prayer?

“The world will know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God...that God loves them by our unity.”
:: What are other things we tend to treat as more important than unity?
:: If we are not united, what happens to the other vehicles of ministry?

Pastor Nate asked, what can we do to promote unity?
:: What were some things people in your Group came up with in response to this question?
:: As we seek to know and love Christ more, we will grow in passion for what he is passionate about. How are His passions for unity and those who don’t know him connected?

This week’s truth:
Our ability to live as one & be a unifier is more about our relationship with Christ than one another.
:: What is the inherent call to us in this truth?
:: Read Ephesians 4:1-3
Why is the phrase, “make every effort” important here? How do we do this? 
:: Read Colossians 3:12-14
What are examples of how we can live this out?
:: Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
How does the fact that ‘God is love’ impact the way we read this passage?
How should the fact that ‘love always...perseveres’ change the way we interact with each other and pursue unity?

Read John 15:9-14
What is the command here? Why is it significant that this is a command, not just a suggestion or principle? What are ways we easily find ourselves living in rebellion against Jesus in this area?

This week’s dare:
Pray to be in Christ | Love as He has loved us -- how can you help your Group receive and live this? Pray for one another as you continue to journey in accepting these Truth & Dare next steps.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Truth & Dare | Conflict (Discussion Guide)

Note: this Guide is available for download as a .pdf here.

Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, February 17, 2013 (JXG) 
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Jeremiah
Truth & Dare | Conflict (Week 3)

Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.


 Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, 
and share the victories God is giving your Group.

From Last Week (Truth & Dare, week 2):
Read Matthew 5:33-37 
:: How is this an issue of character?
:: What is the danger of seeing this passage simply as a matter of behavior modification?
:: In what ways do you see living according to this brings great freedom?
:: How does this show us our role in either closing the door to dysfunction or inviting greater dysfunction?
:: How does this effect every relationship we’re part of?

Jesus makes it clear that the evil one doesn’t want our ‘yes’ to be ‘yes’ and our ‘no’ to be ‘no.’
:: In what ways have you seen Satan use a disconnect between our ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to create division or confusion?
This is a great example of how the power of truth can immobilize the enemy. What are ways to gently speak the truth in love and preserve relationship?
Read Galatians 3:9-10
:: What are some of the ways we’re tempted to lie to each other?
:: How is lying within the Body of Christ a sign of much deeper dysfunction than simple word choice?
:: How can we convince ourselves this is a suggestion for interaction more than a command for living?

Some statistics:
:: The average person begins to tell lies between ages 2-3
:: When meeting new people, the average person will like 2-3 times in 1o mins
:: Most people lie about 4 times a day = 1,460 lies/yr
:: Average # of lies/day: Men = 6, Women = 3
:: Most common lie told by both: “Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.”
What do Jesus’ words have to do with even the little, seemingly positive lies? How can we break the cycle of lies in our lives and around us?

The three most common reasons people lie:
:: To make ourselves look good.
:: To get out of trouble.
:: To avoid hurting someone else’s feelings.
This Week:

Read Matthew 18:15-20
:: How can we tell this passage is more about bringing people back into right relationship with God than ‘clearing the air’?
:: Why do you think Jesus gives us the progression of ‘one-on-one’ to ‘two or three’ to ‘assembly’? How does the desire for relationship with God change the tone of how we interact with this?
:: Why is the promise of Jesus’ presence significant here?
:: What is significant about the promise of heaven’s authority in these matters (binding/loosing)?

Read Proverbs 6:16-20
:: How does this shows us the significance God places on unity?
:: Why is it significant that God hates these actions, not the people doing them?
:: Why are we tempted to minimize some of the things in this list? Why do you think we’re so comfortable with other things being listed here?

“How we handle conflict & our human relationships is more about relationship with God than with each other.”
:: What Scriptural truths can you think of which help illustrate this?
:: How have you seen this reality in your own life?
:: Have you ever tried to ‘fix’ a human relationship without first making sure your relationship with God was right? What was the result? 
:: How does misunderstanding this result in setting the wrong relational goals?

We were challenged to ask the question: 
What relationship in my life is in need of restoration?
Pray with your Group that the Holy Spirit would reveal to them what these relationships are and give courage to take next steps.

We were challenged with this dare:
:: Pray for the authority & presence of Jesus
How does this change our perspective and interaction with others?
:: Start a dialogue with the other person
Pray for each other for wisdom and courage to do this.
:: Refuse to stir up conflict
How can you lovingly encourage others to go to the other person rather than speaking about them?

Pray for each other as you accept this ‘dare;’ ask the Holy Spirit to reveal where you/your Group members have misplaced focus on human relationships. This is a ripe opportunity to ‘call each other to more’--be sure to take advantage of it.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Truth & Dare | Yes, I Don't (Discussion Guide)

This Guide is available for download here.

Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, February 10, 2013 (JXG) 
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn
Truth & Dare | Yes, I Don’t (Week 2)

Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.


 Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, 
and share the victories God is giving your Group.

From Last Week (Truth & Dare, week 1):
Read Psalm 119:10-16
:: How can we tell if we have assumed the teachable posture of the psalmist?
:: What are symptoms that we do not have this level openness/teachability when it comes to the Word? What are the dangers of doing so?
:: What does it look like to position ourselves to be receptive to the Word? What part does obedience play in this?

“It ain’t those parts of the Bible I don’t understand that bother me. It’s the parts I do understand.” ~ Mark Twain
:: How can you relate to this?
:: What ‘part you do understand’ bothers you? How can you process this to understand God’s heart?
:: What does it look like to align our lives/hearts with the parts we understand and don’t like?

Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12
:: How does this change the way we read and understand Scripture?
:: Why should this make us desire even more to read the Scriptures?
:: Have you ever thought of the Word as being ‘living and active?’ What does this mean? What are the ramifications for us?

Read James 1:22-27
:: What does it look like to listen to the Word...and deceive ourselves? Have you ever seen this happen in your own life? What are ways we avoid doing this?
::We sometimes forget that the Word is “the perfect law that gives freedom;” what are some of the [false] ways we can view the Word? How do these false perceptions cause difficulty for us?
:: What contingency for blessing is seen here? What do you think this blessing is (hint: it’s probably not a material blessing)?

This Week:
TRUTH: Followers of Jesus reflect His character.
DARE: Reconcile  | Reject (the temptation to trade the truth for a lie) | Repeat

“Although the Bible answers life’s problems, ignoring it creates them.”
:: How have you seen this in your life, positively or negatively?
:: Why do you suppose it seems easier to ignore Scripture than to proactively seek its truth & wisdom?
:: Have you ever experienced a time when you needed simple instructions...even when you thought you didn’t?

Read Matthew 5:33-37 
:: How is this an issue of character?
:: What is the danger of seeing this passage simply as a matter of behavior modification?
:: In what ways do you see living according to this brings great freedom?
:: How does this show us our role in either closing the door to dysfunction or inviting greater dysfunction?
:: How does this effect every relationship we’re part of?

Jesus makes it clear that the evil one doesn’t want our ‘yes’ to be ‘yes’ and our ‘no’ to be ‘no.’
:: In what ways have you seen Satan use a disconnect between our ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to create division or confusion?
This is a great example of how the power of truth can immobilize the enemy. What are ways to gently speak the truth in love and preserve relationship?
Read Galatians 3:9-10
:: What are some of the ways we’re tempted to lie to each other?
:: How is lying within the Body of Christ a sign of much deeper dysfunction than simple word choice?
:: How can we convince ourselves this is a suggestion for interaction more than a command for living?

Some statistics:
:: The average person begins to tell lies between ages 2-3
:: When meeting new people, the average person will like 2-3 times in 1o mins
:: Most people lie about 4 times a day = 1,460 lies/yr
:: Average # of lies/day: Men = 6, Women = 3
:: Most common lie told by both: “Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.”
What do Jesus’ words have to do with even the little, seemingly positive lies? How can we break the cycle of lies in our lives and around us?

The three most common reasons people lie:
:: To make ourselves look good.
:: To get out of trouble.
:: To avoid hurting someone else’s feelings.

What is one thing you can do this week to be a person of deeper character? Spend time to pray with your Group that the Holy Spirit would reveal a clear next step for them in this. Invite your members to share with one another (be sure to share yourself!) and check-in on each other during your next meeting to see how their ‘one thing’ has been going.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Truth & Dare | The Word (Discussion Guide)

This Guide is also available as a .pdf here.

Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, February 3, 2013 (JXG) 
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn
Truth & Dare | The Word (Week 1)

Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.


 Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, 
and share the victories God is giving your Group.

From Last Week (Live SENT, week 2):
Read Ephesians 4:11-12
:: Why do we so often assume that ‘official’ church personnel are to do rather than equip for ministry?
:: What’s the difference?
:: How can we tell if we’re in a process of being equipped for ministry or
  if we’re simply observing others do ministry?

Read John 9:1-4
:: What ‘Live SENT’ opportunities are here?
:: In what ways do we see things around us and revert to ‘living’ or focusing on discussion? 
:: Why is it so tempting to talk theology more than actively living God’s Word? 
:: What are ways that we are able to display the work of God in the lives of others as He works through us? How can we be more intentional in engaging as those doing the work of Jesus?
:: Why is Jesus’ ‘sent-ness’ key to what happens here? How is it significant that he sends us out with the same ‘sent-ness?’

Read 1 Peter 3:15
Why is Peter’s background/history/story significant in what the Holy Spirit inspired him to write here?
How do we see that this a directive, not an option? What does this mean for our ‘next steps’ with this?
How can we possibly be ‘ready...always!’? How does an awareness of our call to ‘facilitate something else’ help us prepare for readiness at all times? 
How does this move us to a place where we recognize and live out the reality that ‘hope involves expectation?’

“Living SENT is looking at the world around you with a willing expectancy and consistently choosing to be ‘Jesus with skin on.’
How can we be more aware of the ‘Live SENT’ opportunities around us? What are the opportunities we’re presented with every day to let others ‘Finish First.’ What are more unique opportunities (those that don’t come every day, but are special opportunities) we should be aware of? How do we prepare for those?

This Week:
Read Psalm 119:10-16
:: How can we tell if we have assumed the teachable posture of the psalmist?
:: What are symptoms that we do not have this level openness/teachability when it comes to the Word? What are the dangers of doing so?
:: What does it look like to position ourselves to be receptive to the Word? What part does obedience play in this?

“It ain’t those parts of the Bible I don’t understand that bother me. It’s the parts I do understand.” ~ Mark Twain
:: How can you relate to this?
:: What ‘part you do understand’ bothers you? How can you process this to understand God’s heart?
:: What does it look like to align our lives/hearts with the parts we understand and don’t like?

Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12
:: How does this change the way we read and understand Scripture?
:: Why should this make us desire even more to read the Scriptures?
:: Have you ever thought of the Word as being ‘living and active?’ What does this mean? What are the ramifications for us?

Read James 1:22-27
:: What does it look like to listen to the Word...and deceive ourselves? Have you ever seen this happen in your own life? What are ways we avoid doing this?
::We sometimes forget that the Word is “the perfect law that gives freedom;” what are some of the [false] ways we can view the Word? How do these false perceptions cause difficulty for us?
:: What contingency for blessing is seen here? What do you think this blessing is (hint: it’s probably not a material blessing)?

Read Joshua 1:7-9
:: We again see a blessing contingent on following God’s Word. Why is this significant?
:: Why is this vital for Joshua/us to understand true success?
:: How is prosperity in God’s eyes different than prosperity in our own eyes?
:: What are ways we can errantly define a ‘win’ in our lives if we’re not regularly engaging with Scripture?

We were asked, “how long can you go without reading Scripture before you feel compelled to?” How did your answer reveal the level of priority God’s Word has in your life?

We were dared to pray Scripture (Psalm 119:10-16), read Scripture daily through this series, and do what it says. Lead your Group in discussion about what it looks like to accept this dare. Hold each other accountable to this and process what God is teaching you as you engage in this way.
