Sunday, February 19, 2012

Discussion Guide

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Life Group Discussion Guide : Sunday, February 19, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn Cossin
Not So...Modern Family, Week 7 | Identity

Use this as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them.  Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, and share the victories God is giving your Group.


We celebrated and ‘sent’ teams to Hephzibah Children’s Home in Georgia and to explore partnerships in India. We also shared about a season of transition at SLW. All of these are special opportunities for people to ‘live sent.’ 

What does it mean for SLW to be a ‘sending church?’

We know we have opportunities to live sent every day, but what are some special opportunities God is calling your Group or members of your Group to?  Stop and pray now for both teams and Pastor Ken as they have opportunities to live sent in new, unique ways. Take time to pray for members of your Group who indicated special opportunities to live sent. Challenge your members to identify what God may be calling them to in this way.

Read & discuss what you think God is saying through his Word in:
Mark 12:31  ::  Romans 13:9  ::  Galatians 5:14  ::  James 2:8  ::  Ephesians 5:28-29
then discuss...
...the basic assumption here is that we have a proper view of who we are in light of who God is…
...why is it so difficult/uncomfortable to see ourselves in a way where we can ‘love ourselves?’ are these passages rooted in understanding our identity as those created in the image of God?
...these passages are speaking to those who are ‘in Christ’ as his followers; outside of Christ, what is our identity?

“An accurate view of ourselves allows us to love others properly.”
What are some of the ways we inaccurately view/understand ourselves?
How does an inaccurate view change the way we are able to love God? To love others?

Two patterns of the world when it comes to our identity are egocentric or self-abasing views of who we are. A new pattern allows the Word of God to tell us who we are. We were reminded that, through Christ, we are accepted, secure, and significant--what does this mean? How are these things reflected in our daily lives? (If it fits with your Group dynamics, take time to unpack some of the Scriptures used in the ‘Who I Am’ cards.)

How can we learn and internalize an understanding of the way God sees us? 
What significance do the people we surround ourselves with have in how we see ourselves?
How can we help other people see who God has called them to be & views them in Jesus?

What does it mean for us that ‘the best is always yet to come’?
How should our true identity and the reality that the best is yet to come change the way we…
...approach God in prayer? for each other? today?
...plan for tomorrow?

Leaders: take time to pray for and with your Group that God would show them how to view themselves the way God sees them in Christ.

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