Sunday, December 4, 2011

Life Group Discussion Guide

Mission Impossible : Week 2
Shawn Cossin : Sandy Lake Wesleyan
In order for us to get the ‘”im” out of “impossible,” we need to do the following with God…

1) Acknowledge the need
2) Receive the help
3) Live it out

Who can raise just one eyebrow? Wh0 can wiggle their ears?
Who can touch their nose with their tongue? Who can sneeze with their eyes open?
Place your hand flat, with your middle finger tucked, and try to raise your ring finger up. Can you?
Do clockwise circles with your right foot, then make a “6” in the air with your right hand. Can you?

Shawn asked, “What’s impossible for those who follow Jesus? What’s impossible for the church?”

Read Mark 10:17-31, then explore…
: What’s this story about? What’s happening here?
: What were the rich young ruler’s assumptions?
: Why would the ruler walk away sad?
: What were the disciples’ assumptions?
: Is it impossible for those with wealth to know God? Why or why not?
: Why is wealth – and the “stuff” we possess – a danger to following Jesus?
: Actually… is Jesus simply talking about money here? What’s the deeper issue?

Read Job 42:1-2… What’s Job’s attitude here? How is that encouraging to you?

Read Jeremiah 32:17… What’s Jeremiahs’ attitude here? How does that encourage you?

Shawn said, “With God, we are able to be and do things that are impossible on our own,” then he went on to demonstrate the difference between God and Us…

God                             Us
Who helps with…

x          Sin
x          Purity
x          Brokenness
x          Bad to Good
x          Heart

…God does!

Big Question: What impossibility do you need God to address in your life?

Share with the group some of the impossibilities of your life, and then spend some time praying for each other before you close your time together.

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