Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, May 6, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Beth
Rescued to Rescue | Week 1 -- Global Outreach Sunday
Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below
and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.
Be sure to pray for, encourage each other,
and share the victories God is giving your Group.
At the beginning of the worship gathering, Pastor Shawn led in conversation with two of SLW’s missionary partners, Richard & Tonya Cox, who are in the process of planting a new church in Altoona, PA. Richard and Tonya asked for the following:
- Prayer -- That God would prepare the way
- Partners (more than money, but coming and being involved)
Take time to pray for the Coxes as a Group that God would raise up partners and go before them as they minister in Altoona. Ask your Group to share if they sense God’s leading for any level of partnership with the Coxes.
Pastor Beth shared this quote: “The entire storyline of the Bible is God on a mission of rescue.” How does this change the way we read the Scriptures? How should this move us to a place of being ‘on mission‘ with Him?
Read Colossians 1:13-14, discuss…
- The only way this rescue could be complete was for the ultimate death sacrifice of Christ; our rescue was incredibly costly. How does this remind us that our own call to be part of Christ’s ‘rescue operation’ can be costly and lead us to sacrifice? What kind of cost/sacrifice do you think is involved as we join with God’s mission of rescue?
- Pastor Beth said, “The further we get from our rescue moment, the less we feel it.” Take time to share what you have been rescued from; what do you think your life could look like now if you hadn’t received the rescue of Jesus? What can we do to keep the reality of our rescue at the forefront of our minds?
- What does it mean for you to have once been in the kingdom of darkness? What is our hope of being brought ‘into the Kingdom of the Son [God] loves?’
- How does realizing that others are in need of rescue/living in a different Kingdom change the way we interact with those far from God? What happens when we expect people to live according to Christ’s Kingdom when they haven’t yet experienced his rescue and new life?
Pastor Beth told the story of Darla, a young girl who had been abandoned by her father and sold into a brothel in Pune, India. The rescue operation for her cost around $1,000 and this enabled her to find freedom and healing.
- How does this change the way we look at how we spend our own resources?
- Darla’s rescuers raided a whole brothel and broke through legal and physical boundaries just for her. How is this a picture of what God did for us through Jesus?
We saw a picture of rescued girls running toward their International Justice Mission rescuers. In what ways is this an image of our response toward Christ? In what ways are we called to step into a new level of engagement as rescuers who have received God’s rescue?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, discuss…
- What does it look like for Christ’s love to be what ‘compels us?’ What are some of the other things we allow to drive us/lead us?’
- We are told in this Scripture that in Christ we are enabled to live for God rather than for ourselves -- what are symptoms of a life lived for Jesus? What about a life lived for ourselves? How do you think we can transition from selfish to Christ-centered lives?
- What does it mean to regard people from a ‘worldly point of view?’ How can we tell if we’re viewing others with the perspective of Heaven?
- What does it mean that ‘God has given us the ministry of reconciliation?’ What does it look like to help people be brought into reconciliation with God? How does this ministry encompass the pursuit of justice and healing in our region and around the world?
Pastor Beth shared about the following Rescue Investments SLW will be making in the coming year:
:: The Freedom Road 5K
:: Ongoing partnership with International Justice Mission
:: Ongoing partnership and a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal with Okipe in Haiti
Take time to pray for each of these partnerships/investments. Be sure to promote them with your Group and ask your members to pray about what it looks like for you as a Life Group to engage with these opportunities.
Pastor Beth also shared about our Faith Promise giving--pray for each other that God would show you what he would have you believe Him for as you give. Be sure to follow up with your Group members about what God has led them to trust him for; encourage them to continue acting in obedience to this.
We were asked to reflect on the following question:
“What will you do to rescue someone?”
During your Group gathering, take time to reflect on and answer this question. Ask your Group members what God brought to mind. Ask this question as a Group--what will your Group do to be part of rescuing others?
What are the natural opportunities to connect with your Group members as they process and answer the question during the weeks ahead and reflect on the faith they’re being called to through Faith-Promise. In what ways can you tackle these things as a Group or through smaller relational connections in your Group? Be sure to follow up in your future meetings to see how God is working among your members.
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