Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, April 29, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Ken
Live SENT | Week 3
Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.
Be sure to pray for, encourage each other,
and share the victories God is giving your Group.
A couple weeks ago, we were invited to take time alone with God and ask him where he has sent us...or where He WANTS to send us to live for the greater purpose of His design. Take time to ask your Group members what God has shown them as they’ve spent time seeking him. Be sure to pray for each other and encourage members to step into relationships of accountability (giving another person permission to ‘check in’ on them in the area(s) they’ve shared).
Last week, we were asked to reflect on this question: What is the one step you need to take this week t0 see God do a new thing in your life...or in someone else’s life? Take time to ask your Group members what God has shown them; pray for each other, encourage each other, and use answers as an opportunity for follow-up and check-in during the weeks ahead.
Pastor Ken reminded us that Living SENT is about God’s agenda, not ours. What are ways we can seek the Holy Spirit when it comes to our daily, weekly, monthly… activities?
Read Matthew 28:19-20; discuss…
- What are ways that we allow a different agenda to prevail than what Jesus calls us to? What are some of those things that we allow to move us off of this mission?
- What are the relationships you already have in which the Holy Spirit is reminding you of his desire to intentionally connect with people about who Jesus is to you?
- What are some of the challenges, fears, or frustrations that can effect how we connect more deeply with the people we already know?
- What do you think it look s like to engage these people at a deeper level?
Pastor Ken shared about fishing with his dad and a couple of the lessons he’s learned:
- You catch more fish if you have a line in the water.
- What does it mean to ‘have a line in the water’ when we live as ‘fishers of men?’
- You have to use the best approach.
- What are some poor choices of bait/approach that you’ve seen when it comes to engaging those we already know who don’t know Jesus?
- What are some great approaches you think we could use?
- What does it mean to ‘always be prepared to give an answer…’?
- Why do you think the author makes a point that we should use gentleness and respect...with a clear conscience?
- What are ways to do this with gentleness & respect?
- What are ways we might violate our conscience in how we speak about--and invite people to--Jesus?
Pastor Ken shared about different approaches: Confrontational (“Repent and be saved!”); Intellectual (“Check the evidence.”); Testimonial (“He did it for me!”); Relational (“Let’s get together.”); Invitational (“Come and see.”); Serving (“How can I help?”)…
- Which do you think is your ‘style’?
- What can you do to grow in effectiveness in using your style?
- Who is the Holy Spirit showing you to connect with in the area you’re strongest in?
- This is also a list of the ways that those around us will most readily connect with the truth of Jesus; rather than just focusing on your natural bent, think of some of the people you already know and ponder what would be most beneficial to them in how you connect. Share with your Group and pray together that God will open up a clear opportunity to engage with them in the way that would best for them, even if it isn’t your strongest ‘approach.’
“People are people. Not projects.”
- What are some symptoms that we’ve forgotten this reality?
- What are some symptoms we might be ‘living sent’ out of condemnation, fear, or legalism?
- What does it look like, instead, to live SENT out of a love FROM Christ FOR the people around you?
We were asked to reflect on the following questions:
- Who has God brought to mind?
- What style has God given me?
- How’s your ‘burden’ doing?
- Will you look for--and be open to--moments directed by the Holy Spirit?
During your Group gathering, take time to reflect on and answer these questions. Ask them what they will do to be more aware of God’s prompting (Holy Spirit-directed moments) and how the Holy Spirit is showing them to keep a passion ignited for those who don’t know Jesus.
What are the natural opportunities to connect with your Group members as they process and answer the question during the weeks ahead? In what ways can you tackle these things as a Group or through smaller relational connections in your Group? Be sure to follow up in your future meetings to see how God is answering this question.
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