Sunday, May 20, 2012

Life Group Discussion Guide

This discussion guide is available for download as a .pdf HERE.

Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, May 20, 2012 (JXG) 
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn
Rescued to Rescue  |  Week 3 

Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. 
Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what 
the Holy Spirit would have you work through.
 Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, 
and share the victories God is giving your Group.


During  the message, we saw a video that likened the church to a racetrack that launches us on mission and keeps us moving forward, sending us out with force and purpose. This means the local church is a launching pad or a waypoint, not a destination and end of itself. What are ways we tend to forget this? What happens when the church becomes a destination rather than a place for recharging and being sent? How can we know if we’re living as though the church is a destination or launching pad?

Read 1 Corinthians 9:22; how does this show us there are many ways to be involved in the Rescue mission of God? How does this demonstrate a mindset of sacrifice in alignment with God’s mission?

Pastor Shawn shared, “Churches that are not changing are slowly dying” and reminded us that Jesus calls us to change. We were told, “the moment we stop changing is the moment we are no longer walking in-step with God.” How can we submit our own discomfort with change to the will and mission of God?

Pastor Shawn spoke of isolation, a lack of submission to spiritual authority, and a critical spirit as symptoms that we’ve lost focus on what God is leading us to through change. Can you think of other symptoms? What are ways that you’ve seen this play out? How do you think we should respond to those who seem to demonstrate these symptoms?

We at SLW experience change; never because we’re looking for something different...always because we’re looking for something better. What is the difference between ‘looking for something different’ vs. ‘looking for something better?’ How do we both of these at play in our personal lives? What is the danger in seeking something ‘different’ as a body without seeking something ‘better’?

Read Matthew 25:14-30
  • What are things God has given you in terms of time, money, ability, authority…? What has God given SLW?
  • This parable may seem harsh and difficult. but it’s important to know it’s focusing us on the imminent and real return of Jesus. How does this truth motivate us? How does this help us remain focused on what matters most?
  • How do we see that our readiness for Jesus’ return is based on what we do with what he has given us?
  • Within our footprint as a church are 236,000 people who do not know Jesus; what does it look like to use the ‘talents’ God has given us to interact with this reality in a way that honors Him?
  • How is there a call to care for what we already have, and see it multiplied? What are ways we’re tempted to focus on one or the other of these (tending, multiplying)? What are some of the consequences of focusing only one one aspect of this?

We met our new Family Life Pastor, Nate Alsdorf. Take time to pray for Nate as they transition in a number of ways, including: possibly moving, stepping into a new role, a new reality for the Alsdorf children, and what these adjustments mean for Nate and his wife, Kara.

We also announced that we’ve identified our new Ready, Set, Grow! Preschool director, Wendy Kellogg. Pray for God to bring the children and families he desires connected to the preschool ministry. Ask the Holy Spirit to use Wendy in her new role in ways that bring Him the most glory and honor.

Pastor Shawn shared that SLW is looking to implement a fourth worship gathering as we are (and have been!) out of space at the 11am gathering. Pastor Shawn shared that reaching the 236,000 in our ‘five talents’ means “going”… quite likely in terms of satellite campuses, church plants, and multiplication on many other levels. Begin praying as a Group that God will show you what role he is calling you and your Group to as we sacrifice comfort and familiarity to see God reach those far from him.

Reacap from last week: in terms of our own rescue, we are either in the water, on the line, or in the boat.
  • If we’re in the water, our call is to receive the rescue of Jesus and sacrifice our life as it has been.
  • If we’re on the line, our call is sacrifice our will to His and give Him control
  • If we’re in the boat, our call is to a sacrifice of preference, time, talent and treasure.
Ask your Group members where they identified themselves in this analogy; take time to pray for each other as you step into the sacrifices God is calling you to.

Over the past weeks, we  have been asked to prayerfully reflect on the following questions:
“What are you willing to sacrifice to bring about rescue,” “What will you do to rescue someone,” and, “What will you do with what you’ve been given?”

During your Group gathering, take time to reflect on and answer these questions. Ask your Group members what God brought to mind and what it will look like for them to continually be in a place where these answers can happen through them. Ask these questions as they relate to you functioning in your Group as a whole--what is your Group willing to sacrifice to bring about rescue?

What are the natural opportunities to connect with your Group members as they process and answer these questions during the weeks ahead? In what ways can you tackle these things as a Group or through smaller relational connections in your Group? Be sure to follow up throughout the summer to see how God is working among your members.

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