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Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, April 15, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn
Live SENT | Week 1
Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.
Be sure to pray for, encourage each other,
and share the victories God is giving your Group.
Pastor Shawn opened his message talking about the ‘purpose drift’ that different innovations and household items have experienced.
- What are some organizations or products that you have seen drift from their purpose toward something better? Toward something less than what they were originally intended?
- OUR God-given purpose is fellowship with God; what are ways we drift from our original design? What do we pursue instead?
Read John 17:13-23; discuss…
- What connection do you see in our unity (with God & each other) and our sent-ness?
- What do you think will happen if we try to ‘live sent,’ but are not living in unity with each other or with Christ?
- How can we pursue the unity Jesus prayed for us to have?
Read John 20:19-23; discuss...
- That Jesus sent us means he has given us his authority; the ability to act as him in our own spheres of influence.
- What does this mean for how we interact with others?
- What are opportunities to act as Jesus in the world around you? How should our awareness that we are actually acting on behalf of Jesus himself change the way we connect with those around us?
- What are some of the symptoms of not fully engaging with this truth?
- John highlights that it is the power of the Holy Spirit who enables the Disciples to be bold, and to work in his authority.
- What does this reiterate about our need for unity with Jesus/the Holy Spirit?
- What are the things that can separate us from this power?
- This Scripture takes place as the Disciples are operating out of fear. Scripture reminds us that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power…
- What are ways we can find ourselves in fear when it comes to daily living? When it comes to the idea of living SENT?
- How can we move away from fear and into the Spirit of power God has given us?
- What can your Group members do to position you away from fear and be used by the Spirit with boldness and authority?
Pastor Shawn asked, “Where is Jesus moving you beyond being scared, beyond being safe, to be SENT?”
- When you heard this question, what answer immediately came to mind?
- What are the places you feel safest? How might those be connected to where you are being sent?
Leaders, be sure to invite your Group members to take time this week to get alone with God and ask him where he has sent you...or where he wants to send you to live for the GREATER purpose of his design (and do the same yourself). In your following gatherings take time to follow-up; ask your Group members what they have sensed the Holy Spirit showing them in answer to this question. This is a great opportunity for further conversation, fellowship, and accountability.
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