Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, December 09, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn
An Invitation to Christmas | Worship Fully (week 2)
Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.
Be sure to pray for, encourage each other,
and share the victories God is giving your Group.
Read Psalm 29:1-2
What does it mean to ‘ascribe’ something to the Lord?
What do you think of when you read or hear, “worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness?”
How has the idea that Christmas is something we do more than something we celebrate changed some of your view and activity in the past week?
“Music and singing has become the primary way we think about worship.”
In what ways have you seen this?
How do we position ourselves to see music and song as vehicles of worship but not worship in and of themselves.
Read Romans 12:1-2a
What is identified as the act of worship here?
How does the ‘renewing of our mind’ corporately and individually position us to truly worship? How do we do this (renew our mind)?
Read Luke 2:20 & Matthew 2:11
How can we worship ‘on the streets, on our way back to work?’
How does the experience of the Magi, stopping to worship in the presence of Jesus, call us to worship fully in our own Christmas celebrations?
Worship to ancient Hebrews and Greeks involved a posture of the body--bowing down and ‘kissing toward,’ respectively--how does this communicate the idea that the act of worship requires full engagement?
Read John 4:19-26
If there is ‘true’ worship, that must mean there is a less-true worship…
What are symptoms that we’re engaging in worship that may not
be ‘in the Spirit and in truth?’
be ‘in the Spirit and in truth?’
How does the gift of truth and the person of Jesus facilitate ‘true
Why do you think this woman immediately asked about worship after Jesus shared with her about a different kind of living water and with her sin & thinking?
Pastor Shawn shared these “steps into worship:”
- Practice the presence of God daily
- Try different worship experiences
- Really prepare for the gathered experience
- Gather in power of the Lord
- Cultivate a holy dependency
- Absorb distractions with gratitude
- Learn to offer sacrifice of worship in all things
Would you add anything else to this list? How do we do these things?
What are ways you can experience worship more intentionally as a LifeGroup in these ways? How can you help each other to do these things individually?
Read Psalm 46:10 & Isaiah 30:15
How can we find a place of stillness?
How can our busyness and the things we use for worship end up keeping us from actually engaging in worship?
How does stillness and the Presence of God allow us to fully worship with things that might otherwise block our view of Him?
We were asked to reflect on this question:
Where are you trying to do Christmas without worship?
Prayerfully reflect on this and share with your Group members what these areas are. Pray for each other and check in with each other during the Christmas season as you invite each other to “Worship Fully.”
How will you find specific time to be still this season?
What ‘missional expression’ (opportunity to be ‘Jesus with skin on’) is God calling your Group to? Please prayerfully consider where God would have you serve in a practical way and communicate this with Pastor Jeremiah. If you need ideas, don’t hesitate to connect with the church office.
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