Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, December 16, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Jeremiah
An Invitation to Christmas | Spend Less, Give More (week 3)
Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.
Be sure to pray for, encourage each other,
and share the victories God is giving your Group.
The “Invitation to Christmas” series has a lot to do with gaining a different perspective on what it means to do life in the Christmas season.
- What are ways God is shifting your perspective this Christmas?
- How have you started viewing (and doing!) things differently as a result of what the Holy Spirit has been showing you through his word?
What are some examples from your life of when you’ve tried very hard to experience or provide a ‘great Christmas,’ only to be disappointed when festivities are over?
Read Luke 12:13-21
What are some symptoms that we may be living our lives as though they consist of “an abundance of possessions?”
What are ways that we can start acting this way, especially during Christmastime?
Why do you think God calls the rich man in the parable foolish? How did a lack of proper perspective lead to this foolishness?
What do you think is significant about the rich man’s focus on himself (take a look--how many times does he say, “I,” “myself” or reference himself?)?
How should knowing all of our material wealth is temporary change the way we view and pursue it?
What do you think it means to be “rich toward God?”
“Any appetite that is fed just gets bigger.”
How have you seen this with our appetite for more stuff or in other areas of life?
What are some ways we can curb our appetite for material things?
Read Philippians 2:5-11
What ways do you see Jesus living this out in the Luke passage and surrounding Scriptures?
What are practical ways we can ‘give more’ of our presence while spending less?
How does this seem to help us fulfill the command regarding our relationships in this passage?
Part of the takeaway from this message was the permission to spend less. What are areas God has helped you identify that you can spend less this season?
We were challenged to start a new tradition that involves spending less on gifts and giving more of our presence this Christmas. What are some ideas you had?
We were asked to reflect on this question:
Where am I giving LESS and spending MORE than I should?
Prayerfully reflect on this and share with your Group members what these areas are. Pray for each other and check in with each other during the Christmas season as you invite each other to “spend less, give more.”
What ‘missional expression’ (opportunity to be ‘Jesus with skin on’) is God calling your Group to? Please prayerfully consider where God would have you serve in a practical way and communicate this with Pastor Jeremiah. If you need ideas, don’t hesitate to connect with the church office.
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