Sunday, May 27, 2012

Life Group Discussion Guide -- 05.27.12

This Discussion Guide is available for download as a PDF here.

Note: this is the final Discussion Guide until Life Groups kick-off again this Fall.

Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, May 27, 2012 (JXG) 
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn
Rescued to Rescue  |  Week 4

Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.

 Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, and share the victories 
God is giving your Group.


Pastor Shawn said, “A successful rescue is dependent on the acts of the rescuer; it is often just one sacrificial act of courage away.”
  • What are examples of this that you have seen in your own life?
  • Have you ever been the recipient of a successful rescue? Who’s single sacrificial act brought you to the place of rescue?

Read 1 Corinthians 9:22; how does this show us there are many ways to be involved in the Rescue mission of God? How does this demonstrate a mindset of sacrifice in alignment with God’s mission?

Read 1 Samuel 14:1-14, discuss... 
  • The soldiers gathered here had no weapons and were facing over 9,000 well-armed enemy troops; when was a time you felt overwhelmed in an impossible situation? What did you do?
  • “Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.” 
    • What are some things things we might be convinced can keep God from rescuing us?
    • Have you ever felt you were beyond the rescue of God in your life? What about others; have you felt someone you know is ‘too far gone’ to be helped? 
    • How does this truth speak to how nothing is beyond God’s ability to rescue?
    • Is the Holy Spirit bringing to mind something you need to seek him for his rescue in, regardless of circumstance?
  • Where do you sense God leading you to operate in selflessness, sacrifice, and courage to see others come to know rescue?

Pastor Shawn shared, “Rescue looks like forgiveness, generosity, kindness, selflessness...helping a neighbor with a project, running errands for a single mom...befriending a friendless person...offering a lifeline to a struggling person...having a conversation which motivates others to move.”
  • What are other rescue opportunities/moments you can think of?
    • What does it look like for you/your Group to step into some of these opportunities?
  • The opportunities for rescue are all around us -- pause and pray together that God would give you and your Group ‘eyes to see’ the rescue opportunities all around us...and that we would be faithful in stepping into those rescue moments with selflessness, sacrifice, and courage.

“If you are still alive, it is either because God is waiting for you to receive his rescue [by entering into relationship with him through Jesus]...or to participate in his rescue.”
  • How do you respond to this statement; what is your initial reaction as you hear it?
  • In light of this truth, what is your ‘next step?’ 
    • How can you receive the rescue God already has for you? What do you think keeps people from entering into this rescue?
    • What do you think greater engagement in the rescue God has called you to looks like? How can you be more aware of what God is leading you into in terms of being ‘rescued to rescue?’

In the story of the Titanic, the Carpathia, and the California, we were reminded that many had the opportunity to rescue others, but they weren’t ready or they refused to seek the dying out of fear of what it cost them. We were left with this question, When the opportunity to rescue comes, will we be ready? What does it look like to be ready and willing in this way? How can we be prepared for the times God leads us to step into the rescue-needs of others?

We were challenged to identify someone in our reach in need of rescue…
  • Who are the people within your reach?
  • Did God speak someone’s name or another opportunity to you?
    • What is your next step of obedience in this?
    • If you didn’t sense him showing you a person/people, what does it look like to seek clarity in this area?

Over the past four weeks, we  have been asked to prayerfully reflect on the following questions:
“What act of courage will lead to the rescue of someone in your sphere of influence,” “What are you willing to sacrifice to bring about rescue,” “What will you do to rescue someone,” and, “What will you do with what you’ve been given?”

During your Group gathering, take time to reflect on and answer these questions. Ask your Group members what God brought to mind and what it will look like for them to continually be in a place where these answers can happen through them. Ask these questions as they relate to you functioning in your Group as a whole--what is your Group willing to sacrifice...what act of courage is God calling you toward to bring about rescue?

What are the natural opportunities to connect with your Group members as they process and answer these questions during the weeks ahead? In what ways can you tackle these things as a Group or through smaller relational connections in your Group? Be sure to follow up throughout the summer to see how God is working among your members.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Video

Pastor Shawn showed this video on Sunday as part of our "Vision Sunday" message. It may be good for Life Group leaders/members to view this again as you discuss what God spoke to your heart through the morning message.

Life Group Discussion Guide

This discussion guide is available for download as a .pdf HERE.

Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, May 20, 2012 (JXG) 
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn
Rescued to Rescue  |  Week 3 

Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. 
Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what 
the Holy Spirit would have you work through.
 Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, 
and share the victories God is giving your Group.


During  the message, we saw a video that likened the church to a racetrack that launches us on mission and keeps us moving forward, sending us out with force and purpose. This means the local church is a launching pad or a waypoint, not a destination and end of itself. What are ways we tend to forget this? What happens when the church becomes a destination rather than a place for recharging and being sent? How can we know if we’re living as though the church is a destination or launching pad?

Read 1 Corinthians 9:22; how does this show us there are many ways to be involved in the Rescue mission of God? How does this demonstrate a mindset of sacrifice in alignment with God’s mission?

Pastor Shawn shared, “Churches that are not changing are slowly dying” and reminded us that Jesus calls us to change. We were told, “the moment we stop changing is the moment we are no longer walking in-step with God.” How can we submit our own discomfort with change to the will and mission of God?

Pastor Shawn spoke of isolation, a lack of submission to spiritual authority, and a critical spirit as symptoms that we’ve lost focus on what God is leading us to through change. Can you think of other symptoms? What are ways that you’ve seen this play out? How do you think we should respond to those who seem to demonstrate these symptoms?

We at SLW experience change; never because we’re looking for something different...always because we’re looking for something better. What is the difference between ‘looking for something different’ vs. ‘looking for something better?’ How do we both of these at play in our personal lives? What is the danger in seeking something ‘different’ as a body without seeking something ‘better’?

Read Matthew 25:14-30
  • What are things God has given you in terms of time, money, ability, authority…? What has God given SLW?
  • This parable may seem harsh and difficult. but it’s important to know it’s focusing us on the imminent and real return of Jesus. How does this truth motivate us? How does this help us remain focused on what matters most?
  • How do we see that our readiness for Jesus’ return is based on what we do with what he has given us?
  • Within our footprint as a church are 236,000 people who do not know Jesus; what does it look like to use the ‘talents’ God has given us to interact with this reality in a way that honors Him?
  • How is there a call to care for what we already have, and see it multiplied? What are ways we’re tempted to focus on one or the other of these (tending, multiplying)? What are some of the consequences of focusing only one one aspect of this?

We met our new Family Life Pastor, Nate Alsdorf. Take time to pray for Nate as they transition in a number of ways, including: possibly moving, stepping into a new role, a new reality for the Alsdorf children, and what these adjustments mean for Nate and his wife, Kara.

We also announced that we’ve identified our new Ready, Set, Grow! Preschool director, Wendy Kellogg. Pray for God to bring the children and families he desires connected to the preschool ministry. Ask the Holy Spirit to use Wendy in her new role in ways that bring Him the most glory and honor.

Pastor Shawn shared that SLW is looking to implement a fourth worship gathering as we are (and have been!) out of space at the 11am gathering. Pastor Shawn shared that reaching the 236,000 in our ‘five talents’ means “going”… quite likely in terms of satellite campuses, church plants, and multiplication on many other levels. Begin praying as a Group that God will show you what role he is calling you and your Group to as we sacrifice comfort and familiarity to see God reach those far from him.

Reacap from last week: in terms of our own rescue, we are either in the water, on the line, or in the boat.
  • If we’re in the water, our call is to receive the rescue of Jesus and sacrifice our life as it has been.
  • If we’re on the line, our call is sacrifice our will to His and give Him control
  • If we’re in the boat, our call is to a sacrifice of preference, time, talent and treasure.
Ask your Group members where they identified themselves in this analogy; take time to pray for each other as you step into the sacrifices God is calling you to.

Over the past weeks, we  have been asked to prayerfully reflect on the following questions:
“What are you willing to sacrifice to bring about rescue,” “What will you do to rescue someone,” and, “What will you do with what you’ve been given?”

During your Group gathering, take time to reflect on and answer these questions. Ask your Group members what God brought to mind and what it will look like for them to continually be in a place where these answers can happen through them. Ask these questions as they relate to you functioning in your Group as a whole--what is your Group willing to sacrifice to bring about rescue?

What are the natural opportunities to connect with your Group members as they process and answer these questions during the weeks ahead? In what ways can you tackle these things as a Group or through smaller relational connections in your Group? Be sure to follow up throughout the summer to see how God is working among your members.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Concern & Care

SLW is excited to partner with Concern & Care, a ministry in Pune, India that values and empowers women to gain a marketable skill and connect in meaningful relationships. Take a look at the video below which highlights their ministry and was shown during Mothers' Day worship gatherings at SLW:

Be sure to check out for more information on what God is doing in Pune!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Life Group Discussion Guide

This Guide is available for download as a PDF here.

Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, May 13, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn
Rescued to Rescue  |  Week 2 

Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.

 Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, 
and share the victories God is giving your Group.


Ask each Group member to briefly share what they are celebrating today. Take time together praise God for what he has done and continues to do in the lives of your Group members.

As part of our Mothers’ Day celebration, we showed a video about a ministry in India SLW is supporting to reach those far from God and to bring hope and wholeness to women; take time to thank God for the biological and spiritual mothers he has placed in your life. Ask Him to use the ministry of Concern & Care to bring rescue and hope to the women in Nagar.

We were reminded of our opportunity to participate in Faith Promise giving--pray for each other that God would show you what he would have you believe Him for as you give. Be sure to follow up with your Group members about what God has led them to trust him for; encourage them to continue acting in obedience to this.

At the beginning of the message, Pastor Shawn asked us to imagine ourselves tossed in the ocean, barely treading water, in need of rescue when someone tosses us a rescue ring.
  • What are ways that you’ve felt you were ‘treading water and about to go under’ recently? Take time to pray about these things as a Group; how can your Group members be part of seeing this rescue take place?
  • What ways did you feel this way in the past? What did rescue look like?
  • How might God use your experience of needing rescue to show others the way to rescue in their lives/circumstances?

We were also asked to imagine that we were safe in the boat following the rescue we received...but unconcerned with others in the water who are also drowning; ignoring the cries for the help and rescue we received.
  • What are ways this often happens in us and in churches after we’ve experienced the rescue of Jesus?
  • What can we do to be more aware of the need for rescue all around us?

Read Colossians 1:9-14; discuss...
  • Paul is writing to a people he never met in a city he had never visited. How is this a reminder of our call to ‘Live SENT’ and the reality that, in Christ, we are part of one Body which transcends geography, relationship, denomination, and other common bond? 
    • How does this change the way we view/interact with those not a part of our particular local church?
  • How is knowing the will of God central to pleasing God, and ultimately having endurance, patience, and joy? 
    • If we find ourselves without joy, patience, and endurance, how is this a symptom that we have not known and lived out the will of God?
    • How does not living in God’s power, bearing fruit, or growing in knowledge of who God is keep us from knowing God’s will? How does this keep us from knowing endurance, patience, and joy?
    • Based on this, ask God to examine your heart and life, showing you where you’re lacking in what he desires for you. Where in the process of Knowing God’s will --> Endurance, Patience, Joy is the breakdown for you?

There are two things we can’t do in Heaven that we can do here on earth: sin and rescue. 
  • Why is this important to recognize?
  • Why would God allow us to remain where sin is so prevalent?
  • How does this show us the need to live blamelessly while actively engaged in rescue?
  • How does this show the primacy of our call to be rescuers?

“We expose the value we give in the sacrifice we’re willing to make.”
  • How does this principle show us how valuable we are to God?
  • What about how valuable those who are far from God right now?
    • How does this change the way we interact with those far from God?
    • What happens when we expect people to live according to Christ’s Kingdom when they haven’t yet experienced his rescue and new life?

In order for us to participate in the Rescue God calls us to, we will be called to sacrifice. What kinds of sacrifice come to mind when you consider this?
  • How does the great cost of our rescue by Jesus make it valuable and meaningful? What does this mean for how we step into seeing others rescued?

“Rescue requires us to change first...evangelism focuses on someone else changing.”
  • How does God use change in us to see others brought to rescue?
  • What are ways we are found more to be ‘telling’ others about their need for change than we are found participating in their rescue?
    • How is this seen in our personal relationships with those who haven’t experienced rescue?
    • How is this seen in the global Church’s approach to issues of justice and society?

We were reminded that not participating in rescue runs counter to the heart and purpose of God; in other words, refusing to participate in rescue puts us at odds with God’s purposes and desires--pursuing our own comfort at the expense of rescue is sin.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to search and know your hearts in this
  • If He brings conviction, take some time as a Group to pray, repent, and step into a new reality of living as those rescued to rescue.
  • If your members sense they are living this out, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what it means to grow in his call to rescue; ask Him to show you what it looks like to continue exalting Him as the King of your own lives.

In terms of our own rescue, we are either in the water, on the line, or in the boat.
  • If we’re in the water, our call is to receive the rescue of Jesus and sacrifice our life as it has been.
  • If we’re on the line, our call is sacrifice our will to His and give Him control
  • If we’re in the boat, our call is to a sacrifice of preference, time, talent and treasure.
Ask your Group members where they identified themselves in this analogy; take time to pray for each other as you step into the sacrifices God is calling you to.

During last week’s worship gathering, we were asked, “What will you do to rescue someone.” What were the answers/responses your Group members had to this question? What will it look like for them to continually be in a place where this can happen?

This week. we were asked to reflect on the following question:
“What are you willing to sacrifice to bring about rescue?”

During your Group gathering, take time to reflect on and answer this question. Ask your Group members what God brought to mind. Ask this question as it relates to you functioning in your Group as a whole--what is your Group willing to sacrifice to bring about rescue?

--  --  --

What are the natural opportunities to connect with your Group members as they process and answer these questions during the weeks ahead? In what ways can you tackle these things as a Group or through smaller relational connections in your Group? Be sure to follow up in your future meetings to see how God is working among your members.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Life Group Discussion Guide


Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, May 6, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Beth
Rescued to Rescue  |  Week 1 -- Global Outreach Sunday

Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below 
and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.
 Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, 
and share the victories God is giving your Group.


At the beginning of the worship gathering, Pastor Shawn led in conversation with two of SLW’s missionary partners, Richard & Tonya Cox, who are in the process of planting a new church in Altoona, PA. Richard and Tonya asked for the following:
  • Prayer -- That God would prepare the way
  • Partners (more than money, but coming and being involved)

Take time to pray for the Coxes as a Group that God would raise up partners and go before them as they minister in Altoona. Ask your Group to share if they sense God’s leading for any level of partnership with the Coxes.

Pastor Beth shared this quote: “The entire storyline of the Bible is God on a mission of rescue.” How does this change the way we read the Scriptures? How should this move us to a place of being ‘on mission‘ with Him?

Read Colossians 1:13-14, discuss…
  • The only way this rescue could be complete was for the ultimate death sacrifice of Christ; our rescue was incredibly costly. How does this remind us that our own call to be part of Christ’s ‘rescue operation’ can be costly and lead us to sacrifice? What kind of cost/sacrifice do you think is involved as we join with God’s mission of rescue?
  • Pastor Beth said, “The further we get from our rescue moment, the less we feel it.” Take time to share what you have been rescued from; what do you think your life could look like now if you hadn’t received the rescue of Jesus? What can we do to keep the reality of our rescue at the forefront of our minds?
  • What does it mean for you to have once been in the kingdom of darkness? What is our hope of being brought ‘into the Kingdom of the Son [God] loves?’
  • How does realizing that others are in need of rescue/living in a different Kingdom change the way we interact with those far from God? What happens when we expect people to live according to Christ’s Kingdom when they haven’t yet experienced his rescue and new life?

Pastor Beth told the story of Darla, a young girl who had been abandoned by her father and sold into a brothel in Pune, India. The rescue operation for her cost around $1,000 and this enabled her to find freedom and healing. 
  • How does this change the way we look at how we spend our own resources? 
  • Darla’s rescuers raided a whole brothel and broke through legal and physical boundaries just for her. How is this a picture of what God did for us through Jesus?

We saw a picture of rescued girls running toward their International Justice Mission rescuers. In what ways is this an image of our response toward Christ? In what ways are we called to step into a new level of engagement as rescuers who have received God’s rescue?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, discuss…
  • What does it look like for  Christ’s love to be what ‘compels us?’ What are some of the other things we allow to drive us/lead us?’
  • We are told in this Scripture that in Christ we are enabled to live for God rather than for ourselves -- what are symptoms of a life lived for Jesus? What about a life lived for ourselves? How do you think we can transition from  selfish to Christ-centered lives?
  • What does it mean to regard people from a ‘worldly point of view?’ How can we tell if we’re viewing others with the perspective of Heaven?
  • What does it mean that ‘God has given us the ministry of reconciliation?’ What does it look like to help people be brought into reconciliation with God? How does this ministry encompass the pursuit of justice and healing in our region and around the world?

Pastor Beth shared about the following Rescue Investments SLW will be making in the coming year:
      :: The Freedom Road 5K
      :: Ongoing partnership with International Justice Mission
      :: Ongoing partnership and a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal with Okipe in Haiti
Take time to pray for each of these partnerships/investments. Be sure to promote them with your Group and ask your members to pray about what it looks like for you as a Life Group to engage with these opportunities.

Pastor Beth also shared about our Faith Promise giving--pray for each other that God would show you what he would have you believe Him for as you give. Be sure to follow up with your Group members about what God has led them to trust him for; encourage them to continue acting in obedience to this.

We were asked to reflect on the following question:
“What will you do to rescue someone?”
During your Group gathering, take time to reflect on and answer this question. Ask your Group members what God brought to mind. Ask this question as a Group--what will your Group do to be part of rescuing others?

What are the natural opportunities to connect with your Group members as they process and answer the question during the weeks ahead and reflect on the faith they’re being called to through Faith-Promise. In what ways can you tackle these things as a Group or through smaller relational connections in your Group? Be sure to follow up in your future meetings to see how God is working among your members.