Note: this is the final Discussion Guide until Life Groups kick-off again this Fall.
Life Group Discussion Guide :: Sunday, May 27, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn
Rescued to Rescue | Week 4
Remember, this Guide is not intended as an exhaustive list of what can be discussed, but is best used as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Read through the discussion points below and prayerfully consider what the Holy Spirit would have you work through.
Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, and share the victories
God is giving your Group.
“Pastor Shawn said, “A successful rescue is dependent on the acts of the rescuer; it is often just one sacrificial act of courage away.”
- What are examples of this that you have seen in your own life?
- Have you ever been the recipient of a successful rescue? Who’s single sacrificial act brought you to the place of rescue?
Read 1 Corinthians 9:22; how does this show us there are many ways to be involved in the Rescue mission of God? How does this demonstrate a mindset of sacrifice in alignment with God’s mission?
Read 1 Samuel 14:1-14, discuss...
- The soldiers gathered here had no weapons and were facing over 9,000 well-armed enemy troops; when was a time you felt overwhelmed in an impossible situation? What did you do?
- “Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.”
- What are some things things we might be convinced can keep God from rescuing us?
- Have you ever felt you were beyond the rescue of God in your life? What about others; have you felt someone you know is ‘too far gone’ to be helped?
- How does this truth speak to how nothing is beyond God’s ability to rescue?
- Is the Holy Spirit bringing to mind something you need to seek him for his rescue in, regardless of circumstance?
- Where do you sense God leading you to operate in selflessness, sacrifice, and courage to see others come to know rescue?
Pastor Shawn shared, “Rescue looks like forgiveness, generosity, kindness, selflessness...helping a neighbor with a project, running errands for a single mom...befriending a friendless person...offering a lifeline to a struggling person...having a conversation which motivates others to move.”
- What are other rescue opportunities/moments you can think of?
- What does it look like for you/your Group to step into some of these opportunities?
- The opportunities for rescue are all around us -- pause and pray together that God would give you and your Group ‘eyes to see’ the rescue opportunities all around us...and that we would be faithful in stepping into those rescue moments with selflessness, sacrifice, and courage.
“If you are still alive, it is either because God is waiting for you to receive his rescue [by entering into relationship with him through Jesus]...or to participate in his rescue.”
- How do you respond to this statement; what is your initial reaction as you hear it?
- In light of this truth, what is your ‘next step?’
- How can you receive the rescue God already has for you? What do you think keeps people from entering into this rescue?
- What do you think greater engagement in the rescue God has called you to looks like? How can you be more aware of what God is leading you into in terms of being ‘rescued to rescue?’
In the story of the Titanic, the Carpathia, and the California, we were reminded that many had the opportunity to rescue others, but they weren’t ready or they refused to seek the dying out of fear of what it cost them. We were left with this question, When the opportunity to rescue comes, will we be ready? What does it look like to be ready and willing in this way? How can we be prepared for the times God leads us to step into the rescue-needs of others?
We were challenged to identify someone in our reach in need of rescue…
- Who are the people within your reach?
- Did God speak someone’s name or another opportunity to you?
- What is your next step of obedience in this?
- If you didn’t sense him showing you a person/people, what does it look like to seek clarity in this area?
Over the past four weeks, we have been asked to prayerfully reflect on the following questions:
“What act of courage will lead to the rescue of someone in your sphere of influence,” “What are you willing to sacrifice to bring about rescue,” “What will you do to rescue someone,” and, “What will you do with what you’ve been given?”
During your Group gathering, take time to reflect on and answer these questions. Ask your Group members what God brought to mind and what it will look like for them to continually be in a place where these answers can happen through them. Ask these questions as they relate to you functioning in your Group as a whole--what is your Group willing to sacrifice...what act of courage is God calling you toward to bring about rescue?
What are the natural opportunities to connect with your Group members as they process and answer these questions during the weeks ahead? In what ways can you tackle these things as a Group or through smaller relational connections in your Group? Be sure to follow up throughout the summer to see how God is working among your members.