Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life Group Questions from 12-11-2011

SLW :: Mission Impossible :: 12-11-2011
Shawn Cossin, Lead Pastor

Ever faced something that was seemingly impossible? Shawn talked about those metal table games – you know, the ones that are interlinked and seemingly impossible to separate. Those games are TOUGH! Well, sometimes life is a lot tougher than those games, right? So what are we to do when we face situations and circumstances that are seemingly impossible?

We are to go to God and…

1… Acknowledge the need
2… Receive the help
3… Live it out

Share with the group some of the “impossibilities” of your life that you have already seen God overcome. Encourage one another with faith stories of how you’ve seen God help already in your life!

Shawn asked… What’s your “position” and “posture” as you approach these impossibilities? Position and posture are so important for us as we ask God to do a work in our lives, so let’s explore this more…

Read Luke 1:28

: What is Mary’s position and posture in this story?
: How do you think you (or most people) would have responded?
: Did Mary’s position and posture eliminate the struggles she would soon face?
: As we face our own challenges, why is this important to consider?

An Important Reality:

God has not promised to remove our impossibilities,
but to help us overcome them.

Read John 16:33

: What does Jesus tell us here?
            : Why is it important to know He has overcome the world?
            : How does that encourage your faith journey?

Shawn said that “God is not only with us, but He is also for us.” How have you seen this revealed in your life as you’ve walked in relationship with Jesus?

Read Romans 8:37

: Why is the word “through” so important to focus on?

Go back to the idea of “position” and “posture... what can we do as we face situations and circumstances that are seemingly impossible?

1… Get out of the way… What would ‘getting out of the way’ look like for you?
2… Follow him… Are there any areas where you have ceased following? Slowed down?
3… Involve others, in moderation… Who can you trust to tell? Are you still trusting God?

Remember… An Important Reality:

God has not promised to remove our impossibilities,
but to help us overcome them.

In Closing…

What do you need to do this week – even today? – to maintain proper position and posture in your relationship with God? How would you ask the group to pray for you?

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