Sunday, December 18, 2011

Life Group Discussion Guide -- 18 December 2011

Mission Impossible, Week 4
Shawn Cossin, Lead Pastor
**(You can download a .pdf of this discussion guide here.)**


Discuss and pray about the things below—don’t feel the need to ‘cover everything,’ but use this as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Look through these discussion points and focus on what you think will be most beneficial to your Group. Be sure to pray for and encourage each other.

We have been celebrating the “God of the Impossible” over the past few weeks. Invite your group members to share some of the impossible things God is working in their lives--be ready to share yourself!

Pastor Shawn shared the following statement and used it throughout the message: “When God takes us into a place we’ve never been, it’s often to make us into something we never knew we could be.” In what ways have you and your Group members seen the truth of this statement at work in your lives?

We were reminded of the need to...
:: Get out of the way
:: Follow Him
:: Involve others (in moderation!)
…to see God lead us through the impossible.
Take some time to see how everyone is doing with these “So What? Now What?” elements from the
last few weeks. Be sure to celebrate areas of victory and pray with each other in areas of struggle.

Read Matthew 1:18-25, and discuss...
…in what ways did Joseph find himself in an ‘embarrassing situation?’
…what would Joseph’s natural assumption and response be regarding Mary’s pregnancy? can you relate to the way trouble came on Joseph fast and hard?
...These two phrases:
     :: “found to be with child”
     :: “after he had considered this”
          …how do these convey a sense of the lack of God’s presence?

…why would God allow Joseph to ‘wrestle in the impossibility’ of this situation? Why did he wait?

...It’s possible Joseph needed to come to a new level of surrender to God and his way.
     ...What does this say about how God interacts with us?
     ...How can we turn our sense of “delay” (“God, where are you?!”) to a sense of expectation (“At
        just the right time, God will move.”)

...Joseph is told not to be afraid. Why is this significant?

...We see Joseph’s obedience after his dream…even after emotion, delay, pain, and difficulty. What does it look like for us to take responsibility and be led by God through the impossibility?

...How does obedience lead to favor and more of what God has for us?

Our “So what? Now What?” this week is: If you could identify one impossibility in your life, what step of obedience do you need to take in that impossibility for God to do a new thing? Take some time to discuss this as a Group and pray for each other. Be sure to check in on each other about this thing God identifies throughout the next weeks and months.

We have been urged to “Wait and Watch (with expectation!).” In what ways can your Group help each other to remain faithful as they wait & watch with expectation?


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life Group Questions from 12-11-2011

SLW :: Mission Impossible :: 12-11-2011
Shawn Cossin, Lead Pastor

Ever faced something that was seemingly impossible? Shawn talked about those metal table games – you know, the ones that are interlinked and seemingly impossible to separate. Those games are TOUGH! Well, sometimes life is a lot tougher than those games, right? So what are we to do when we face situations and circumstances that are seemingly impossible?

We are to go to God and…

1… Acknowledge the need
2… Receive the help
3… Live it out

Share with the group some of the “impossibilities” of your life that you have already seen God overcome. Encourage one another with faith stories of how you’ve seen God help already in your life!

Shawn asked… What’s your “position” and “posture” as you approach these impossibilities? Position and posture are so important for us as we ask God to do a work in our lives, so let’s explore this more…

Read Luke 1:28

: What is Mary’s position and posture in this story?
: How do you think you (or most people) would have responded?
: Did Mary’s position and posture eliminate the struggles she would soon face?
: As we face our own challenges, why is this important to consider?

An Important Reality:

God has not promised to remove our impossibilities,
but to help us overcome them.

Read John 16:33

: What does Jesus tell us here?
            : Why is it important to know He has overcome the world?
            : How does that encourage your faith journey?

Shawn said that “God is not only with us, but He is also for us.” How have you seen this revealed in your life as you’ve walked in relationship with Jesus?

Read Romans 8:37

: Why is the word “through” so important to focus on?

Go back to the idea of “position” and “posture... what can we do as we face situations and circumstances that are seemingly impossible?

1… Get out of the way… What would ‘getting out of the way’ look like for you?
2… Follow him… Are there any areas where you have ceased following? Slowed down?
3… Involve others, in moderation… Who can you trust to tell? Are you still trusting God?

Remember… An Important Reality:

God has not promised to remove our impossibilities,
but to help us overcome them.

In Closing…

What do you need to do this week – even today? – to maintain proper position and posture in your relationship with God? How would you ask the group to pray for you?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Life Group Discussion Guide

Mission Impossible : Week 2
Shawn Cossin : Sandy Lake Wesleyan
In order for us to get the ‘”im” out of “impossible,” we need to do the following with God…

1) Acknowledge the need
2) Receive the help
3) Live it out

Who can raise just one eyebrow? Wh0 can wiggle their ears?
Who can touch their nose with their tongue? Who can sneeze with their eyes open?
Place your hand flat, with your middle finger tucked, and try to raise your ring finger up. Can you?
Do clockwise circles with your right foot, then make a “6” in the air with your right hand. Can you?

Shawn asked, “What’s impossible for those who follow Jesus? What’s impossible for the church?”

Read Mark 10:17-31, then explore…
: What’s this story about? What’s happening here?
: What were the rich young ruler’s assumptions?
: Why would the ruler walk away sad?
: What were the disciples’ assumptions?
: Is it impossible for those with wealth to know God? Why or why not?
: Why is wealth – and the “stuff” we possess – a danger to following Jesus?
: Actually… is Jesus simply talking about money here? What’s the deeper issue?

Read Job 42:1-2… What’s Job’s attitude here? How is that encouraging to you?

Read Jeremiah 32:17… What’s Jeremiahs’ attitude here? How does that encourage you?

Shawn said, “With God, we are able to be and do things that are impossible on our own,” then he went on to demonstrate the difference between God and Us…

God                             Us
Who helps with…

x          Sin
x          Purity
x          Brokenness
x          Bad to Good
x          Heart

…God does!

Big Question: What impossibility do you need God to address in your life?

Share with the group some of the impossibilities of your life, and then spend some time praying for each other before you close your time together.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Life Group Discussion Guide :: November 27

Life Group Discussion Guide : Sunday, November 27, 2011 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan : Shawn Cossin, Lead Pastor
Mission Impossible
(NOTE: You can download a single page .pdf of these questions here.)

Discuss and pray about the things below—don’t feel the need to ‘cover everything,’ but use this as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Look through these discussion points and focus on what you think will be most beneficial to your Group. Be sure to pray for and encourage each other.
Luke 1:37 says, "...for nothing is impossible with God," and we showed a video using the Bethany Dillon song, "Hero" to introduce our new message series which focuses on the heroic mission Jesus was sent on to earth. What stood out to you from the song, video, or your own time of reflection?
Who were your childhood heroes? Have you ever seen God do the impossible or heroic in your life? Share this with your group and invite them to do the same.
Pastor Shawn reminded us when we hold to obedience we have even greater opportunity and reminded us of SLW's Christmas Giving opportunities.
:: Helping Hands Giving Tree/State Police Toy Drive (drop off by Dec. 5 in South Drive Thru)
:: Okipe Safe Water Project
In what ways can your Life Group participate in these opportunities as a group?
Pastor Shawn also reminded us of our opportunity to use our gifts, talents, and abilities in service to the local body as well as our "Freedom For More" building fund initiative. Please take time to pray for SLW as people step into new levels of commitment.
Read John 3:1-21, and discuss... John 3:16 shows us
:: ultimate authority
:: purest motive
:: the greatest gift
:: incredible inclusiveness
:: complete rescue
:: a lasting result
...what does this have to do with Christmas?
...what does it mean that Jesus came not to condemn but to save?
Pastor Shawn shared a few reasons why Jesus is the ultimate hero and rescuer and let us know that in order to be rescued in an Emergency Medical Services scenario, we have to first give our consent. How is this principle played out with God's offer for rescue through Jesus?
In order to receive what God offers, we need to:
:: acknowledge our need for rescue. (What are some ways we may be unaware of our need for rescue? What are some ways to acknowledge our need for rescue?)
:: receive the help. (What does it look like to receive the help God offers? Why might we resist God's help?)
Read John 1:12-13 and discuss...
...what do you think it means to have the 'right to become children of God?
... what does it mean to BE a child of God?
:: live the life. (What are opportunities to "live the life" on purpose in your own spheres of influence?)
Read John 3:19-21 and discuss...
...what does "coming into the light" have to do with "living the life?"
Pray for each other that God would show each other where they are in this journey of receiving what God offers. Ask him to show you what it looks like to live heroically for Christ.
Don’t forget to let us know how your group is doing, how we can be praying for you, and if there are any care needs we need to be made aware of. Have a fantastic week as you Live SENT!

Monday, November 21, 2011

LG Questions :: 11/20/11

Sandy Lake Wesleyan : Life Group Questions
Sunday, November 20, 2011 : Shawn Cossin – “Deeper H2O”

Take a moment to pray as a group before you begin your study.

Shawn talked about scuba diving with his son, Joshua, at the Blue Hole in Belize. What were some of the highlights he mentioned about this opportunity? What might some of the spiritual parallels be as we consider going deeper as a church?

Our focus: Holding to Obedience leads to Having Opportunity [H2O]. Please take a moment to read 2nd Corinthians 8:7 together as a group, then dive in…

Shawn highlighted the phrase, “excel in the grace of giving…” to challenge us to think about how we do in this area over other areas in our lives. So… what are some of the areas of living in which people often try to excel? What pursuits do you see people focusing on where they want to be the best?

Read Mark 12:41-44, then discuss…
What was Jesus attempting to communicate through this story about our hearts?
What was Jesus saying about the cost of giving?

Shawn talked about four things that matter when it comes to giving…

Perspective… What does God have to say about perspective as it relates to giving?
Read Read Psalm 24:1

Heart… What does God have to say about heart as it relates to giving?
Read Matthew 6:20-21

                  Sacrifice… What does God have to say about sacrifice as it relates to giving?
                  Read 2nd Samuel 24:24

                  Discipline… What does God have to say about discipline as it relates to giving?
                  Again, read 2nd Corinthians 8:7

BIG QUESTION: What do you need to do to begin excelling in the grace of giving?

Shawn distributed cards that show a variety of ways people can serve, and challenged everyone to plug into a serving/volunteering role at SLW if they’re not already.

Take a moment to talk about this as a group… Where are you already serving? What gifts and talents has God given you that you need to put to work if you haven’t done so already?

Shawn also distributed cards that explain our challenge toward “Freedom for More,” which would eliminate our current debt within 3-years. Our prayer is that, as God would allow us to free up resources, we would have freedom for more – to be more generous to our mission partners, to expand our impact/footprint in Mercer County and beyond, and to see what God would have us do next as we continue to proclaim Hope & Freedom.

Take a moment to talk about this as a group… What would God have you do? How would you consider stepping into a pledge toward this 3-year commitment? God is calling us to this new level of freedom, and we are asking everyone to prayerfully consider their involvement.

Please read Matthew 25:29, then take time as you close to pray about these “going deeper” opportunities.