Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 26 Discussion Guide

This guide can be downloaded as a .pdf here.
Life Group Discussion Guide : Sunday, February 26, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn Cossin
Not So...Modern Family, Week 8 | “Great Hope”
Use this as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them.  Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, and share the victories God is giving your Group.


Even though we want to put our best foot forward when interacting with others, the truth is family can be more crazy and difficult than we let people know. How has this been true even in how you interact as a Group? What can you do to foster genuine conversation and open communication among the members of your Group?

This was the last message in our “Not So...Modern Family” series; take some time to share with each other some of the things God has taught you over the past eight weeks. What have been some great victories? Where have you seen significant struggle? How have you been able to help each other navigate these things?

Read Genesis 50:15-22; discuss…
  • ...when Joseph heard from his family through messengers, he wept. This takes place 17 years after the initial reconciliation; why would Joseph weep now? 
  • ...have you ever felt that even though God has brought healing and hope to relationships, there are times when the pain and frustration resurfaces? How do you handle that?
  • is Joseph’s response evidence that he has a clear sense of his identity and of his sense of ‘belonging’ to God?
  • ...Joseph insisted his journey was one of God using human manipulation and evil for God’s own purposes; how can we develop an awareness of God’s activity even in painful, difficult, impossible circumstances? 

Read Romans 8:28
  • have you/your Group members seen the truth in this Scripture at work in your lives?
  • ...what are some areas in your Group members’ lives where this is an unfulfilled promise?
  • Take time to thank God for the ways he’s been faithful in fulfilling his Word in this way and to pray for him to have his way in the ‘unresolved’ areas mentioned above.

We were told the “great hope for our families is knowing who we are and whose we are. are these issues of identity & awareness vital to the health of our relationships?
 This reminded us of the need to ask, “Do you know WHO you are and WHOSE you are?”
  • How can we make sure we’re answering this question out of genuine awareness rather than a rote, rehearsed response?
  • What are some of the evidences that will be present in our lives when we recognize who we are? 
    • How can we become more aware of our true identity?
  • How is understanding ‘whose we are’ directly related to submission and obedience?
    • What are areas in your Group that have been consistent areas of God leading you to submission and obedience? Pray for those common needs/areas.

Pastor Shawn reminded us “all it takes is one person to offer grace and forgiveness…” to bring a new trajectory to & begin the process of healing in relationships... 
  • ...what are ways you have seen this take place in your own life & relationships?
  • ...what are some of your biggest roadblocks to offering grace and forgiveness in some of your dysfunctional relationships? 
    • How can your Group members encourage each other in these areas and help them move forward in these areas?

Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
  • What are some ways we regard others from a worldly point of view? 
    • How does this impact our relationships with them?
    • How does this move into a place of brokenness and sin in our relationships?
  • What are ways we tend to see Christ from a worldly point of view?
    • What is the impact for us if we have operate out of improper view of Jesus?
  • How can we view others the way God does? What are evidences that we see people in the right light?

Throughout this series, we have been reminded that while we have a responsibility in our relationships (that God wants to use US in those relationships), the Holy Spirit is the one who does the ‘work’ of changing hearts, lives, and families. Take time in conclusion to pray for each others’ families, that Group members would be faithful in being in a place to be used by God...and that He would be faithful. 

Pray specifically, identifying particular needs and people… 
then follow-up in the months ahead to see how God has answered your prayers.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

India Prayer Guide

Sharyl & Beth with members of the IJM Mumbai Team
For nearly two weeks, two members of our ministry team (Beth Cossin & Sharyl Vaughn) will be connecting with potential partnership opportunities for SLW in India. As part of our emphasis on extending the hands of Hope & Freedom, this is a big next step for us as a local church, so with great intentionality and dependence on the Holy Spirit for leadership, discernment, and connection, Pastor Beth and Sharyl doing some boots-on-the-ground reconnaissance with a group of others from around the world.

As part of their trip, Pastor Beth gave the following notes on what to pray for as they connect--please use this as a guide during the next several days.

From Beth:
India is a new place for us to be partnered in and we want to be very mindful of how God is leading us in that process. ...  Please pray for protection for both of us emotionally and spiritually on the days that we are in the red light districts (there will be about 3 days of that, I think) that we would not be “crushed and destroyed” in our hearts, but rather “sweetly broken”.  

Thanks for praying!

February 22
We will be staying at the YWAM campus in Lonavla.   Pray that we are a blessing and encouragement to those that serve the Lord there.  We will also be working with the street children on this day and assessing the needs there.

February 23-27
This is the span of time where we will be interacting with the girls who have been rescued and healed through the ministry of Home of Hope.  They are planning for their graduation and we will be an integral part of helping the celebration to happen.  Pray that this will be a joyous occasion for the girls as they step into a new chapter of their lives.  Pray that we will be a blessing to them and that they will feel joyous about what is next for each of them.

Additional prayer for the time in Pune:
Pray that if we are supposed to partner further in Pune, it will be abundantly clear.  There is so much need everywhere, so we are praying for the Holy Spirit to clearly move in our hearts about where we are to invest.

February 28 – 29
We are hoping to reconnect with the women running the street ministry to children during this time and are again praying that if we are to invest more here, God would clearly speak.  Please pray for wisdom and discernment.
March 1 
Hard to believe, but at this point we are are preparing to return home!  Our group will split up at this point with just 4 of us heading back to Pittsburgh and the rest going to England or on to Ooty, India to another home for rescued girls.

This isn’t comprehensive, but it is what is on my heart right now. 

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers!

 Seek Justice (Isaiah 1:17),


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Discussion Guide

This discussion guide can be downloaded as a .pdf here.


Life Group Discussion Guide : Sunday, February 19, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan :: Pastor Shawn Cossin
Not So...Modern Family, Week 7 | Identity

Use this as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them.  Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, and share the victories God is giving your Group.


We celebrated and ‘sent’ teams to Hephzibah Children’s Home in Georgia and to explore partnerships in India. We also shared about a season of transition at SLW. All of these are special opportunities for people to ‘live sent.’ 

What does it mean for SLW to be a ‘sending church?’

We know we have opportunities to live sent every day, but what are some special opportunities God is calling your Group or members of your Group to?  Stop and pray now for both teams and Pastor Ken as they have opportunities to live sent in new, unique ways. Take time to pray for members of your Group who indicated special opportunities to live sent. Challenge your members to identify what God may be calling them to in this way.

Read & discuss what you think God is saying through his Word in:
Mark 12:31  ::  Romans 13:9  ::  Galatians 5:14  ::  James 2:8  ::  Ephesians 5:28-29
then discuss...
...the basic assumption here is that we have a proper view of who we are in light of who God is…
...why is it so difficult/uncomfortable to see ourselves in a way where we can ‘love ourselves?’ are these passages rooted in understanding our identity as those created in the image of God?
...these passages are speaking to those who are ‘in Christ’ as his followers; outside of Christ, what is our identity?

“An accurate view of ourselves allows us to love others properly.”
What are some of the ways we inaccurately view/understand ourselves?
How does an inaccurate view change the way we are able to love God? To love others?

Two patterns of the world when it comes to our identity are egocentric or self-abasing views of who we are. A new pattern allows the Word of God to tell us who we are. We were reminded that, through Christ, we are accepted, secure, and significant--what does this mean? How are these things reflected in our daily lives? (If it fits with your Group dynamics, take time to unpack some of the Scriptures used in the ‘Who I Am’ cards.)

How can we learn and internalize an understanding of the way God sees us? 
What significance do the people we surround ourselves with have in how we see ourselves?
How can we help other people see who God has called them to be & views them in Jesus?

What does it mean for us that ‘the best is always yet to come’?
How should our true identity and the reality that the best is yet to come change the way we…
...approach God in prayer? for each other? today?
...plan for tomorrow?

Leaders: take time to pray for and with your Group that God would show them how to view themselves the way God sees them in Christ.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Discussion Guide

(This Guide is also available as a .pdf here)
Life Group Discussion Guide : Sunday, February 12, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan : Jim & Jerolyn Bogear
Not So...Modern Family, Week 6 | Legacy


Look through these discussion points and focus on what you think will be most beneficial to your Group.  Discuss and pray about the things below—don’t feel the need to ‘cover everything,’ but use this as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Be sure to pray for, encourage each other, and share the victories God is giving your Group.

Why not begin by thanking God together for the victories he has given your Group and pray together regarding what’s weighing on the hearts and minds of your members?

Read Genesis 48:1-4, discuss...
...what does Jacob say his legacy will be?
...have you ever thought of the kind of legacy you want to leave? 
...If you have, what is it? 
...if not, what has kept you from pondering this?
...why do you think our tendency is to simply ‘hope everything works out’ rather than purposefully plan for the legacy we leave? is leaving a God-honoring legacy related to the other things we’ve been talking about during the Not So Modern Family series (see .pdf version here)?

Jim shared this phrase a couple of times: “You have to live a legacy long before you ever expect to lead one.
...What do you think is meant by this?
...What does it look like to “live a legacy of significance?” of faith?
...What do you think are the biggest battles we have to fight to “live a legacy” today? 
…What can we do to  prepare to fight and succeed in those battles?

Jim and Jerolyn shared that healthy communities...
  • ...Support one anotherRead 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Romans 15:2,7
    • What does it look like to encourage one another?
    • How can we be the catalyst for encouragement in our relationships? At SLW? In our communities?
    • What does it look like to support one another even when things are less than ideal?

  • ...Talk to (not about) one anotherRead Matthew 18:15-20...
    • How is this a mark of genuine love for each other?
    • How does this preserve unity?
    • What does it look like for your Life Group to freely have this kind of interaction?
    • What are some of the threats to maintaining this kind of open communication?

  • ...Caring for one anotherRead John 13:34-35…
    • What is the mark of a follower of Jesus?
    • What does it look like to love each other as followers of Christ?
    • Jesus shared this after washing his disciples’ feet; what is the connection between serving each other and loving one another?
    • Jesus said this is a “new command,” meaning if we don’t do this, we’re in outright disobedience to Him; how should that impact the decision(s) we make to actively care for each other?

Based on these three marks of healthy community, what are the threats to genuine community in your Life Group? How healthy are your family relationships

Invite your Group to share the areas/relationships which could be healthier and stop to pray for each other.

How can you and your Group actively pursue healthy community in the body life of Sandy Lake guard and enable these three aspects of healthy community?

How does healthy community lead to living a legacy of significance? 

What does it mean that we cannot live/leave a legacy of significance outside of genuine, healthy community?

As you pray for each other, ask God to show you what it means to step into genuine community with each other and pursue health. How can your Group demonstrate care, communicate with, and encourage each other this week? What practical ways can you do these three things in your family and other relationships?

Leaders: this is another opportunity where you can encourage Group members to build relationships of accountability in these areas.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 5, 2012 Life Group Discussion Guide

(NOTE: this Discussion Guide is available for download as a .pdf here)

Life Group Discussion Guide : Sunday, February 5, 2012 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan : Shawn Cossin, Lead Pastor
Not So...Modern Family, Week 5 | Pattern


Look through these discussion points and focus on what you think will be most beneficial to your Group. 
Discuss and pray about the things below—don’t feel the need to ‘cover everything,’
 but use this as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them.  
Be sure to pray for and encourage each other.

Take time to share the victories in families/relationships your Group members have seen in the past few weeks. 

What are some of the things they’ve been focusing in on prayer for their relationships/families?

Why not begin by thanking God together for the victories 
and praying together regarding what’s weighing on the the hearts and minds of your members?

Read Romans 12:1-2; discuss...
...What does it mean to ‘renew our minds?’ Why might they need to be renewed?

...this Scripture says that by renewing our minds and being ‘living sacrifices’ we will know what God’s perfect will is. 

...what are ways we tend to try reversing this pattern of first be a living sacrifice then know God’s perfect will?

  • ...What are some ways you have seen the right order of this play out in your life?
  • ...What do you think it means to ‘not be conformed any longer to the patterns of this world?’
  • ...What are some of the patterns of the world?
  • ...What does it look like to conform to these?

...What does this passage mean for how we ought to seek meaningful change in our relationships and families?
...What does it mean to ‘be transformed by the renewing of your mind?’

...How can we renew our minds and patterns?

Pastor Shawn said a couple times that “the patterns we live by define us...and our family.”  
  • ...How can we tell which patterns we’re living by?
  • ...Based on your patterns, how do you think people define/describe you and your family? 
  • ...What is a new pattern you sense God leading you to step into?

We tend to think the goal of our physical lives is to move from dependence to independence; that once we’ve achieved independence, we have found maturity.
  • ...How does this pattern break down when we apply it to our spiritual lives?
  • ...What are the patterns we exhibit when we become more independent from God?
  • ...What are the patterns/evidences of growing more dependent on God?

Read Mark 12:28-34; discuss…
  • ...What does this passage say about the importance of consistent obedience versus the ‘right’ acts of worship?
  • ...How does this show the call to utter dependence on God?
  • ...What does the pattern of dependency on God --> refinement in & seeing how God sees us --> loving others --> impact & good results --> Glory to God… mean for us?
    • ...what’s the significance of knowing we must walk through this pattern...that there’s no skipping over the difficult parts?
    • ...what does it look like when we reverse this pattern? What are examples in our families of the reversed (worldly) pattern?
    • ...what are examples of how you’ve seen God working this out in your life?

...We’ve been urged to seek God to have him refine our character.
  • ...what are some of the circumstances God uses to refine us?
  • ...what are the consequences of avoiding this refinement?
  • ...what are the ways we can find strength and encouragement during those times of refinement?

We talked about pursuing God’s best for the others around us at the expense of our own agenda.
  • ...what does this look like in our various relationships (spouse, parents, children, siblings, etc.)?

Take time to pray together, asking the Holy Spirit to show you whether you’re evidencing dependence on or independence from God; whether you’re exhibiting his pattern or the world’s? Ask him to show you clearly what it looks like to pursue God’s best for those you’re in relationship with.
...invite your Group members to seek accountability with each other in these areas.
(leaders; provide a mechanism for helping people step into relationships of accountability regarding the discussions and decision points coming out of this series--if you have questions of what this looks like/how to institute something like this, please call Pastor Jeremiah).