Life Group Discussion Guide : Sunday, November 27, 2011 (JXG)
Sandy Lake Wesleyan : Shawn Cossin, Lead Pastor
Mission Impossible
(NOTE: You can download a single page .pdf of these questions here.)
Discuss and pray about the things below—don’t feel the need to ‘cover everything,’ but use this as a guide to help your Group process what God is teaching them. Look through these discussion points and focus on what you think will be most beneficial to your Group. Be sure to pray for and encourage each other.
Luke 1:37 says, "...for nothing is impossible with God," and we showed a video using the Bethany Dillon song, "Hero" to introduce our new message series which focuses on the heroic mission Jesus was sent on to earth. What stood out to you from the song, video, or your own time of reflection?
Who were your childhood heroes? Have you ever seen God do the impossible or heroic in your life? Share this with your group and invite them to do the same.
Pastor Shawn reminded us when we hold to obedience we have even greater opportunity and reminded us of SLW's Christmas Giving opportunities.
:: Helping Hands Giving Tree/State Police Toy Drive (drop off by Dec. 5 in South Drive Thru)
:: Okipe Safe Water Project
In what ways can your Life Group participate in these opportunities as a group?
Pastor Shawn also reminded us of our opportunity to use our gifts, talents, and abilities in service to the local body as well as our "Freedom For More" building fund initiative. Please take time to pray for SLW as people step into new levels of commitment.
Read John 3:1-21, and discuss... John 3:16 shows us
:: ultimate authority
:: purest motive
:: the greatest gift
:: incredible inclusiveness
:: complete rescue
:: a lasting result
...what does this have to do with Christmas?
...what does it mean that Jesus came not to condemn but to save?
Pastor Shawn shared a few reasons why Jesus is the ultimate hero and rescuer and let us know that in order to be rescued in an Emergency Medical Services scenario, we have to first give our consent. How is this principle played out with God's offer for rescue through Jesus?
In order to receive what God offers, we need to:
:: acknowledge our need for rescue. (What are some ways we may be unaware of our need for rescue? What are some ways to acknowledge our need for rescue?)
:: receive the help. (What does it look like to receive the help God offers? Why might we resist God's help?)
Read John 1:12-13 and discuss...
...what do you think it means to have the 'right to become children of God?
... what does it mean to BE a child of God?
:: live the life. (What are opportunities to "live the life" on purpose in your own spheres of influence?)
Read John 3:19-21 and discuss...
...what does "coming into the light" have to do with "living the life?"
Pray for each other that God would show each other where they are in this journey of receiving what God offers. Ask him to show you what it looks like to live heroically for Christ.
Don’t forget to let us know how your group is doing, how we can be praying for you, and if there are any care needs we need to be made aware of. Have a fantastic week as you Live SENT!